Clip 1: Femoral vessels identified medially.
The PEricapsular Nerve Group (PENG) block for hip fractures. An attractive option for patients with isolated hip fractures due to its motor-sparing effects, and, we think, it’s relatively easy anatomic landmarks.
POCUS pearl: Nice to identify the femoral vessels medially (Clip 1) prior to insertion of the needle. Color flow, as was done here makes it easy. The needle is then visualized in long axis on its trajectory lateral to medial, superficial to deep, coursing just in front to the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) on it’s way towards the bony backstop of the ileopubic eminence (IPE) just lateral to the psoas tendon.
Clip 2: Needle identified in long axis on its trajectory passing just anterior to the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS).